Until the launch of the Summer Collection 2024:

A new look at art in the era of transhumanism and Web 3.0

In the transitional period of humanity, when new realities - digital, virtual and augmented - are increasingly weakening the dominance of the physical world in our lives, art is called upon to illuminate the intermediate path from Homo sapiens to Homo informaticus. SAS Metagallery stands at the intersection of these realities, balancing and harmonizing their interweaving.

Until the launch of the Summer Collection 2024:


Summer 2024
The curators of the SAS team have assembled the unique NFT collection, which includes both works by already world-famous artists and works by promising young creators. The collection will be released on its own smart contract, all presented works will have a one-to-one rarity. When minting NFTs, you will also receive S-Passes, which you can guarantee to exchange for paintings from the next pre-season collection which you can guarantee to exchange for paintings from the next pre-season collection which you can guarantee to exchange for paintings from the next pre-season collection.

Until the launch of the Summer Collection 2024:

Until the launch of the Summer Collection 2024:

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Osvaldo Percy

Ranson Sqiure

Cristio leo

Sebastian waltan

Abraham Zack

Osvaldo Percy

Ranson Sqiure

Cristio leo

Sebastian waltan

Abraham Zack

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We combine
all realities into one

All our events are duplicated in the physical and digital worlds. Avatars in metaverses, like visitors to physical events, are equal participants in exhibitions or presentations.

SAS Wallet

Contents of our wallet

We provide public access to our wallet so collectors and artists can see what NFT Art piques our interest. Some of the works are published by us by agreement with the artists, and some are purchased for long-term storage.

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